Together, we can make a difference!
Your donation benefits a student in need of 1:1 reading support!
Your donation goes directly toward improving long term outcomes by providing the reading support for them to be successful. Continue to support our cause by becoming a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly donor! Our total mileage in 2022 was 4, 596 miles!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can sponsor a student for reading services by making a $50 donation.
You can become a Difference Maker Sponsor with a $250 tax deductible donation.
You can become a Business sponsor with a $500 tax deductible donation and site sponsorship on our website and in newsletters!
How can I participate?
Run, walk, cycle, or read to contribute miles...
20 minutes of reading = 1 mile!
Which activities will count towards mileage?
Use #dyslexia3000... Take a selfie, group photo of you helping us reach our goal or upload a video on TikTok to show how you overcame diversity! This is going to be awesome!